The main objective of Climate-Neutral Governance project is to enforce climate neutral policies and strategies in smart cities, to create a strategy for city governance in Romania given local and regional processes and implementation, validation and refining governance solutions of use-cases offering circular economy introduction of solutions to the Net Zero transition with standards and guidelines for process handling, adoption, and impact monitoring.
The focus of main objective realization is on Environment: promotion of energy saving, the use of renewable energy, and reduction of environmental pollution, in particular CO2 emissions; Mobility: accessible and safe transport; creation of an integrated mobility system with low environmental impact; Citizenship: promotion of life-long learning and education; nurturing of cultural diversity; promotion of civic engagement and citizens’ creativity; Living: safeguarding individual and public health; implementation of welfare, cultural, and tourist policies; promotion of social cohesion; Government and political participation: adoption of transparent decision-making; creation of accessible online services; promotion of political participation; and Economy: create a flexible labor market; support for entrepreneurship and innovation, targeting old people, women and young people in particular.

The specific objectives are considered to ensure the main objective accomplishing by the end of the project: (O1) Create support framework for Climate-Neutral Governance; (O2) Create a Toolkit for multi-level governance models and policies; (O3) Propose the model for cyclic economy, supported by process-related results and digital technologies (Digital Twin); (O4) Elaborate standards and guidelines for Net Zero transition; and (O5) Define local strategies for city piloting and community engagement.