Professor Ciprian Dobre Director of National Competence Centre – NetZeRoCities
“National Competence Centre and solutions for the development of Climate Neutral and Smart Cities” (NetZeRoCities) is set to define the operational, financial, and legal conditions to create the “Romanian Competence Centre on Climate-Neutral Smart Cities” that will support Romanian cities to achieve Climate Neutrality, by 2030 for the cities selected by the EU Mission, and by 2050 by all Romanian cities.
About our centre
Fail-proof structure
Fail-proof structure
The Competence Centre is a fail-proof structure that will be able to host a sustainable, predictive, and simplified environment for the development of RDI and business activities with focus on the contribution to climate change and the digital transition.
Hub for innovation
Hub for innovation
The Centre is designed as a Hub for innovation, setting an RDI excellence flag and acting as support for cities into successfully accessing funding opportunities in HE Climate Mission and reaching the EU Climate Mission milestones and KPIs.
Access to financing
Access to financing
Support access to financing, to increase the innovation capacity of the CDI system for the creation of research-business environment synergies, and to create the critical mass of interdisciplinarity skills needed to address the societal challenges
Excellence network
Network of excellence tool
The Competence Centre represents a network-of-excellence tool for increasing the chances of success with the EU Climate Mission and Carbon Neutrality goal.
Latest events
Objective 1 - Methodological Framework
Methodological Framework
Establish the methodological framework for the Competence Centre focusing on helping Romanian cities reach the Climate Neutrality target, with a demand-driven focus on the needs of people, local businesses, local municipality, and regional and national authorities.
Objective 2 - Net ZeroCompetence Centre
Net ZeroCompetence Centre
Define the operational, financial, and legal conditions for the creation of the Competence Centre for its future sustainability.
Objective 3 - Collaboration Platform
Collaboration Platform
Design and implement a Platform of the Competence Centre to support the collaboration among national and European Institutions towards reaching Climate Neutrality, integrating social inclusiveness, diversity, and the participation of all stakeholders to communities’ lives.
Objective 4 - Climate Action Services
Climate Action Services
Increase and enhance the introduction of supporting technologies (digitalization) in Cities and support them make the technology transition on areas like clean mobility, energy efficiency or green urban planning to reach Climate Neutrality. The goal is to showcase an approach on system innovation for green transition in governance, transport, energy, construction and recycling, supported by powerful digital technologies (i.e. system innovation in the value chain of city investment).
Climate Neutral pilots and Smart Campus
Objective 5 - Climate Neutral pilots and Smart Campus
Develop best practices (for twin green and digital transformations) to make full use of data on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollution for smart mobility, to provide smart energy grids, improve energy efficiency in buildings, for water and waste management, and others, as such leading to increased awareness on climate change. The aim is to build an Innovation Hub (which we named Smart Campus) for cities in Romania to be inspired by, learn from, and replicate the ideas and solutions emerging from the Climate Mission.
Climate-Neutral City Governance
Objective 6 - Climate-Neutral City Governance
Establish models and policies of city governance for climate action. Following what worked for EU twin cities and tailored to the local and regional administrative, economic, and social barriers and needs, the Governance will support a systemic transformation of the Romanian city following a holistic approach to foster innovation and deployment. The Competence Centre will propose plans (of integrated and multi-level governance) and will help municipalities follow a strategic, holistic, and long-term climate investment approach that includes (collaboration) all relevant city actors.
Climate Neutral Governance
The main objective of Climate-Neutral Governance project is to enforce climate neutral policies and strategies in smart cities, to create a strategy for city governance in Romania given local and regional processes.
Sustainable energy & environments
The objective of the proposed Specific RDI Project Sustainable Energy and Environment consists in developing a clear roadmap on how to accelerate the decarbonization process.
Smart sustainable buildings
The project aims at developing the research capacity and knowledge transfer of complementary research structures existing at consortium level dedicated to studies .
Smart mobility & infrastructures
As part of the European Green Deal, EU has established high goals targeting carbon free road transportation by 2050, with a 55% reduction by 2030. To reach this decarbonizing mobility goal .
Smart Campus & Digital Twins
NetZero Smart Cities offer a unique opportunity to create more sustainable, liveable communities. By harnessing the power of digital twins and using technologies.

Center address
Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare, Universitatea Politehnica București, Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, sector 6, Bucureşti,